1.   American military analysts claim that, if the accord is maintained, the Croats and Bosnians could soon hold half of Bosnia between them.

2.   And military analysts say it could take China years of training before its navy can handle such a sophisticated ship in an actual conflict.

3.   And military analysts said the Colombian army was probably weaker than it looked.

4.   And military analysts say most countries these days tend to focus on their neighbors, not on buzzing along U.S. borders.

5.   And once the military launches an anti-missile against an incoming ballistic missile, military analysts believe it would almost certainly face a barrage of decoys.

6.   And military analysts say propaganda is especially critical in a war against those isolated from Western views and infused with a dogmatic hatred for the United States.

7.   And virtually all military analysts agree that the rebels are not strong enough to take power.

8.   At a seminar in Beijing last summer, a Chinese military analyst wondered out loud whether Washington would protect Taiwan under any circumstances.

9.   At the Pentagon, military analysts have documented a dramatic Iranian crackdown on Iraqi oil smuggling in Iranian waters in the last two months.

10.   Attending the meeting here are current and former U.N. officials involved in peacekeeping operations as well as scholars and military analysts.

a. + analyst >>共 549
political 25.43%
financial 8.91%
military 6.13%
stock 5.88%
independent 3.77%
legal 2.84%
senior 2.82%
western 2.07%
economic 2.07%
private 1.55%
military + n. >>共 632
official 5.77%
action 3.38%
base 2.80%
commander 2.25%
officer 2.18%
force 2.16%
operation 2.16%
source 2.12%
spokesman 2.04%
leader 1.64%
analyst 0.38%
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