1.   All life, plant and animal, within a mile radius of Ground Zero simply vanished.

2.   Hundred mile radius he says, but you can argue with that.

3.   A lone buck stood atop a distant ridge, obviously aware of everything within a mile radius of his surroundings.

4.   Good signs placed within a mile radius of your home can also make or break a garage sale.

5.   In national parks near campgrounds, there can be as many as four or five bears living in a mile radius.

6.   All schools and child care centers will then receive a list of registered offenders living within a mile radius of their facilities.

n. + radius >>共 30
two-mile 12.50%
one-mile 11.25%
five-mile 10.00%
two-block 8.75%
half-mile 7.50%
mile 7.50%
one-block 5.00%
three-mile 5.00%
five-block 3.75%
eight-mile 2.50%
mile + n. >>共 156
frequent-flier 10.98%
race 4.27%
flyer 3.96%
marker 3.96%
frequent-flyer 2.74%
road 2.44%
mark 2.13%
more 2.13%
record 2.13%
radius 1.83%
每页显示:    共 6