1.   At other times there is mild innuendo.

2.   It has gross humor and mild sexual innuendo.

3.   It has some mild sexual innuendoes.

4.   It includes profanity and mild sexual innuendoes.

5.   It has adult situations and some mild innuendo, but they are handled with delicacy.

6.   Instead the game supplies a more urban attitude, with warring gangs, a moody rock score and a wisecracking dispatcher who is fond of mild sexual innuendo.

7.   It includes a few mild sexual innuendos and jokes and violence that should not unhinge regular moviegoers.

8.   It includes mild sexual innuendoes.

9.   It includes profanity and very mild sexual innuendoes.

10.   It includes scattered profanity, brief jokey nudity and mild sexual innuendoes.

a. + innuendo >>共 49
sexual 57.30%
mild 7.30%
racial 2.81%
sly 2.25%
defamatory 1.69%
racy 1.12%
leering 1.12%
lesbian 1.12%
naughty 1.12%
political 1.12%
mild + n. >>共 775
weather 7.22%
winter 6.16%
air 4.48%
concussion 4.21%
profanity 3.07%
case 2.39%
stroke 2.17%
earthquake 1.90%
temperature 1.60%
form 1.47%
innuendo 0.35%
每页显示:    共 13