1.   Because of ambiguities in its wording, some fear that the measure, sponsored by a group called Youth Without Drugs, could also bar methadone programs for addicts.

2.   But the numbers of people in these city programs underscored just how little control Giuliani has over most methadone programs around the city.

3.   Giuliani may have outdone himself in his recent jihad against methadone programs for heroin addicts.

4.   He is enrolled in a methadone program for his heroin addiction, he said, but injects cocaine.

5.   He said he has enough money to enjoy himself, and he does not have to answer to a methadone program, a counselor or a judge.

6.   If the measure passes on Sunday, officials say that it will end not only government distribution of heroin under this program but methadone programs as well.

7.   In preparation for the shift, city officials suspended admissions this week to the methadone programs at Bellevue, Harlem Hospital, Metropolitan Hospital, Elmhurst and Kings County.

8.   It also helps reduce the stigma of methadone programs and community resistance to them.

9.   Of course, the methadone program was only one of the actions taken to reduce crime in Washington.

10.   One of the better regarded methadone programs, it offers a full array of counseling and detoxification services.

n. + program >>共 1065
government 3.08%
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television 2.29%
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methadone + n. >>共 22
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