1.   A positive base excess is associated with metabolic alkalosis, and a negative base excess is associated with metabolic acidosis.

2.   Overzealous administration of hypertonic sodium bicarbonate solutions as treatment for severe metabolic acidosis of during cardiopulmonary resuscitation can have the same effect.

3.   Salicylate overdose in adults also results in both a metabolic acidosis and a primary respiratory alkalosis.

4.   The most predictable compensation is the hyperventilation that occurs in simple metabolic acidosis.

5.   This equation is applicable to patients with simple metabolic acidosis, and can not be extended to include those with metabolic alkalosis.

6.   Treatment of combined metabolic acidosis and respiratory alkalosis is aimed at the underlying conditions.

7.   Use of diuretics that increase the urinary excretion of bicarbonate can cause metabolic acidosis.

8.   Similarly, hyperphosphataemia, hypocalcaemia, and metabolic acidosis have been described as more common in patients with CRF.

9.   Metabolic acidosis, hypocalcaemia, and phosphate retention have been reported in patients with ARF.

a. + acidosis >>共 6
metabolic 50.00%
lactic 16.67%
severe 11.11%
simple 11.11%
combined 5.56%
respiratory 5.56%
metabolic + n. >>共 73
rate 23.95%
disorder 10.92%
disease 5.46%
activity 4.20%
acidosis 3.78%
process 3.36%
alkalosis 2.94%
product 2.10%
state 2.10%
system 2.10%
每页显示:    共 9