1.   Arrange spring rolls, paper toweling or wine rack, and utensils such as wire mesh strainer and cooking chopsticks, in convenient fashion around the cooking area.

2.   Drain the shrimp in a wire mesh strainer.

3.   Pass through a fine mesh strainer.

4.   Pour soup through a chinois or fine mesh strainer.

5.   Pour broth through a wire mesh strainer into a bowl, discarding vegetables and bay leaf.

6.   Pour collard greens mixture through a wire mesh strainer into a container, reserving greens and potlikker.

7.   Remove with a mesh strainer and drain on paper towels.

8.   Remove the pieces with a mesh strainer to the prepared baking sheet to drain.

9.   Remove from oven and rub the nuts against a wire mesh strainer to remove as much skin as possible.

10.   Strain puree through a fine mesh strainer into a large bowl, stirring and pressing puree to extract as much juice as possible.

n. + strainer >>共 10
fine-mesh 33.33%
mesh 28.89%
wire 22.22%
chinois 2.22%
fuel 2.22%
medium-mesh 2.22%
place 2.22%
spaghetti 2.22%
wire-mesh 2.22%
yogurt 2.22%
mesh + n. >>共 117
bag 8.93%
sieve 6.19%
screen 5.84%
fence 4.47%
strainer 4.47%
tape 3.78%
tube 3.78%
grille 2.41%
size 2.41%
cage 2.06%
每页显示:    共 13