1.   Among other benefits, the merger would give MCI Worldcom much-needed wireless assets.

2.   Analysts say the proposed merger will give BP Amoco a step up in an oil industry that has been consolidating rapidly.

3.   And the merger gives it the opportunity to grow even bigger.

4.   As now configured, they conclude, the merger would give little or no rate relief to consumers.

5.   A merger would give Ascend access to a broader base of customers and the backing of a financially solid company.

6.   A merger would give Suez, which already controls Belgian electricity supplier Tractebel SA, more of an industrial bent.

7.   A merger also would give the combined company a virtual monopoly on the lucrative business of wiring money.

8.   A merger would give the new company greater reach than any other telecommunications business worldwide, analysts said.

9.   Airbus, a fast-growing competitor in the commercial aircraft business, however, said a merger would give it an even greater reason to exist.

10.   Brown merger gave Montgomery pause, said chairman and founder Tom Weisel in a recent interview.

n. + give >>共 1240
government 2.60%
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company 1.46%
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merger + v. >>共 356
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