1.   Despite its growth and success in financing information technology and health science innovators, Case perceived that it needed to merge to remain viable.

2.   Increasingly, makers of consumer appliances are merging to remain competitive because most Americans have all of the microwave ovens and dishwashers they need.

3.   Neither company had to merge to remain independent.

4.   It said its researchers concluded that the chipmakers must merge to remain competitive.

5.   Mr Carse also said he did not believe Hong Kong banks were under pressure to merge to remain competitive in the region.

v. + remain >>共 118
opt 10.73%
be 7.73%
forecast 6.01%
fight 6.01%
battle 3.43%
have 2.58%
merge 2.15%
project 2.15%
do 1.72%
predict 1.72%
merge + v. >>共 49
form 20.48%
create 12.05%
become 7.83%
survive 7.23%
produce 3.61%
remain 3.01%
avert 3.01%
compete 3.01%
cut 2.41%
stay 2.41%
每页显示:    共 5