1.   He asserted the mere threat of using troops to support demonstrators was the same as using troops.

2.   But the mere threat of a suit and also of bad publicity is often enough to bring companies into line, Rader contended.

3.   But the mere threat of disruption has already hurt America West.

4.   But they felt that defying a court order would not further their cause, that the mere threat of a boycott had made their position clear.

5.   Canada Post officials, who agreed to meet with the union tomorrow, said the mere threat of a strike has already cost them many customers.

6.   Dan Hogan, a spokesman for the state Department of Social Services, said that the mere threat of license suspension had helped increase collection rates in other states.

7.   Experts say that the mere threat of replacements dampens the fighting spirit of workers and that unions have seen their memberships plunge.

8.   Executives of travel Web sites are quick to point out that no such thefts have been reported, but the mere threat continues to vex Internet users.

9.   He finds that the mere threat of the fine is usually sufficient.

10.   In his experience, says Horlick, the mere threat of WTO action can spur countries to fix problems.

a. + threat >>共 500
serious 5.58%
terrorist 4.61%
potential 3.55%
new 3.00%
biggest 2.94%
military 2.74%
immediate 2.39%
real 2.28%
greatest 2.24%
major 1.93%
mere 0.31%
mere + n. >>共 1396
fact 4.25%
presence 3.38%
mortal 3.38%
mention 3.32%
formality 1.83%
thought 1.70%
coincidence 1.58%
existence 1.15%
threat 0.99%
sight 0.93%
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