1.   Although the mechanism is not understood, mental stress also seems to make eczema and urticaria worse.

2.   But is the consent valid, coming as it does from some one who is under severe mental stress?

3.   Kip was tired, exhausted not from physical exertion or mental stress, but from inactivity.

4.   What was to be done for Liselotte, who showed signs of severe mental stress from the age of five?

5.   Attributing his illness to the mental stresses and strains of the last few months, they were ignorant of the true medical causes.

6.   The number of mental stress claims has increased more than tenfold over the past decade.

7.   A season of glory, history and mental stress comes to an end today for Mark McGwire.

8.   But what about mental stress, which has also been shown to be a coronary risk factor?

9.   Experts say the heat causes lots of mental stress, especially an increase in aggressive behavior.

10.   Heart specialists are taking emotional triggers increasingly seriously because both mental stress and cardiovascular disease are so common.

a. + stress >>共 364
post-traumatic 18.45%
repetitive 4.90%
emotional 4.23%
psychological 2.72%
great 2.42%
mental 2.12%
financial 2.06%
severe 2.00%
traumatic 1.75%
enormous 1.39%
mental + n. >>共 642
health 25.97%
problem 3.44%
disorder 3.30%
institution 3.30%
toughness 2.67%
state 2.53%
note 1.74%
mistake 1.39%
picture 1.18%
disability 1.16%
stress 0.68%
每页显示:    共 35