1.   Membership confers the right to work freely within the Union.

2.   The same stance should be taken by all European institutions whose membership confers respectability on the government in Zagreb.

3.   Union membership has conferred several advantages, such as working feature films, getting significantly better pay plus overtime, something her nonunion colleagues only dream of.

4.   Pro-democracy activists are staunchly opposed to the political legitimacy ASEAN membership would confer on the ruling State Law and Order Restoration Council.

n. + confer >>共 201
official 8.09%
telephone 5.49%
two 2.31%
minister 2.31%
president 2.31%
law 2.02%
diplomat 1.73%
lawyer 1.73%
leader 1.73%
man 1.45%
membership 1.16%
membership + v. >>共 188
be 32.95%
grow 2.69%
vote 2.56%
require 2.56%
include 2.44%
mean 2.31%
have 2.31%
give 2.18%
bring 1.54%
remain 1.54%
confer 0.51%
每页显示:    共 4