1.   Er, moving on Chair, to reductions, unless members wish to make any comments on, on the additions as a block at this stage?

2.   Does any other member wish to speak or put Councillor.

3.   Does any other member wish to speak?

4.   Does any member wish to move the subject matter be referred to the appropriate member body?

5.   Does any member wish to move that the subject matter be referred to the appropriate member body?

6.   A CIs job is to investigate confidential adoption records, use them to reach the person being sought and discreetly explain that a biological family member wishes contact.

7.   He said he would appeal the convictions if family members wished, based on the absence of any evidence other than confessions of some of the men.

8.   It is the availability of a gentle, dignified death which Hemlock members wish as a right for themselves and for others.

9.   Robison said the family members did not wish to immediately comment, but Franklin teachers remembered Owens as a special student.

n. + wish >>共 350
people 5.68%
government 4.15%
parent 1.86%
company 1.86%
party 1.75%
fan 1.75%
member 1.42%
purchaser 1.42%
reader 1.31%
authority 1.20%
member + v. >>共 800
be 14.84%
say 8.92%
have 3.40%
include 1.50%
vote 1.26%
want 1.09%
take 1.09%
agree 1.03%
meet 0.93%
make 0.78%
wish 0.05%
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