1.   Add remaining ingredients, stirring until the marshmallows are melted.

2.   Mix melted marshmallows and melted butter with All-American Rice Krispies and you have patriotic Rice Krispie treats.

3.   Over medium heat, melt marshmallows and butter together.

4.   Stir briskly until marshmallows are melted.

v. + marshmallow >>共 39
roast 20.27%
add 10.81%
toast 6.76%
melt 5.41%
throw 4.05%
catch 2.70%
eat 2.70%
put 2.70%
sprinkle 2.70%
toss 2.70%
melt + n. >>共 179
butter 45.23%
chocolate 6.69%
snow 5.38%
cheese 5.17%
ice 4.87%
margarine 2.13%
heart 1.72%
sugar 1.32%
chip 1.01%
plastic 0.71%
marshmallow 0.41%
每页显示:    共 4