1.   Heat kerosene and gasoline in a double boiler, melt soap chips and stir in slowly, put somewhere and allow to cool.

2.   In a saucepan, melt chocolate chips, then spread on top.

3.   In a heavy saucepan over low heat, melt chips with sweetened condensed milk.

4.   Meanwhile, for Strawberry Truffle Filling, melt chocolate chips in top of a double boiler.

5.   Melt chocolate chips in heavy saucepan over very low heat.

6.   Melt chocolate chips over hot, but not boiling water, in top of a double boiler.

7.   Once baked, drizzle melted cinnamon chips atop the top crust for a festive finishing touch.

8.   Remove from heat while they are partially melted and continue to stir until all chips are completely melted.

9.   Spoon melted white chips into remaining spaces to cover the brownie.

10.   When cool, melt chocolate chips in the top of a double boiler or in the microwave.

v. + chip >>共 348
use 12.39%
make 11.03%
have 5.17%
sell 4.56%
remove 3.88%
produce 2.86%
buy 2.25%
manufacture 2.18%
design 1.91%
develop 1.84%
melt 0.68%
melt + n. >>共 179
butter 45.23%
chocolate 6.69%
snow 5.38%
cheese 5.17%
ice 4.87%
margarine 2.13%
heart 1.72%
sugar 1.32%
chip 1.01%
plastic 0.71%
每页显示:    共 10