1.   He met their envoys at Bourges.

2.   Annan will meet the envoys, led by Lakhdar Brahimi of Algeria, on Monday.

3.   Aziz has met envoys from Britain, China, France and Russia.

4.   Alatas said he had also met the envoy and had proposed that the ministers meet first to discuss the summit agenda.

5.   Aidid was in Mogadishu on Tuesday, meeting Italian envoy Guiseppe Cassini.

6.   APTV also has pictures of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat meeting European Union envoy Miguel Moratinos on Thursday night in Gaza.

7.   Boutros-Ghali met his envoy to former Yugoslavia, Yasushi Akashi, and U.N. generals Bernard Janvier of France and Rupert Smith of Britain.

8.   He also met US envoy Dennis Ross to discuss the building of new Jewish settlements in east Jerusalem - which has sparked the latest phase of violence.

9.   He said it was not clear if the envoy, who he said is due in Angola early next week, would meet with UNITA officials.

10.   He said he would meet the envoys again Tuesday and then address the full council on Wednesday.

v. + envoy >>共 98
send 33.75%
dispatch 9.06%
meet 5.51%
say 5.15%
recall 4.62%
withdraw 3.37%
brief 2.66%
exchange 2.66%
name 2.66%
appoint 2.31%
meet + n. >>共 615
demand 9.01%
standard 4.55%
need 3.89%
leader 3.79%
requirement 3.33%
deadline 2.47%
condition 2.41%
criterion 2.39%
official 2.31%
expectation 2.09%
envoy 0.15%
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