1.   Delegates met at the Durham Dales Centre to discuss developing enterprise by making use of locally-offered fax, copying and word-processing services.

2.   As a result, Gillespie said, organizers and the FBI met delegates from all participating nations in November to review security.

3.   Yet, unlike many other business groups, the group sent representatives to meet convention delegates in Chicago -- just as they did in San Diego.

4.   Demonstrators blame police for past confrontations and have said they will sue the city because of plans to restrict areas of the capital to all but meeting delegates.

5.   First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton visits a day care center and meets female delegates at the global poverty summit, trying to inspire the meeting.

6.   Iraqi Foreign Minister Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf said he was not able to meet delegates from either nation.

7.   Jiang met delegates from Shanghai, his power base, on Friday, not when the delegation went before reporters Saturday.

8.   Jiang met delegates from Shanghai on Friday and Hu Jintao, another senior leader, attended closed-door discussions Saturday with delegates from Tibet.

9.   Qiao lunched with the officials and was scheduled to meet Hong Kong delegates to the NPC on Wednesday afternoon.

10.   The protest dispersed after Mayor Jan Koukal promised to meet delegates from both groups.

v. + delegate >>共 254
send 7.62%
address 6.71%
select 4.44%
choose 3.53%
tell 3.19%
elect 2.84%
say 2.84%
include 2.50%
win 2.50%
have 2.39%
meet 1.48%
meet + n. >>共 615
demand 9.01%
standard 4.55%
need 3.89%
leader 3.79%
requirement 3.33%
deadline 2.47%
condition 2.41%
criterion 2.39%
official 2.31%
expectation 2.09%
delegate 0.06%
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