1.   Indeed, gaining more diversity of content is the very reason for seeking greater diversity of media ownership.

2.   The basic principle of diversity of media ownership and freedom of entry should serve as an essential guideline for national media policy.

3.   Also, France, Belgium, Spain, and Portugal maintain restrictions on foreign media ownership.

4.   Bell Atlantic decided in May not to form a joint venture with Stet to provide the service commercially because of regulatory concerns about media ownership.

5.   But the two discussed several matters concerning economic development in heavily black areas, including access to media ownership, according to Gore aides.

6.   But with media ownership gradually consolidating, the government decided to propose rules limiting the degree of control any single company can exert over what Britain sees and reads.

7.   Clinton has also objected to any relaxing of the limits on media ownership.

8.   Clinton has repeatedly criticized the provisions in both bills that would allow for more concentrated media ownership.

9.   Four EU countries -- France, Belgium, Spain and Portugal --also maintain restrictions on foreign media ownership.

10.   In recent years, the company has diversified into media ownership, e-commerce and other internet services.

n. + ownership >>共 179
gun 16.70%
land 14.47%
majority 5.66%
medium 5.29%
property 3.80%
car 3.53%
employee 3.25%
station 2.97%
government 2.78%
team 2.78%
medium + n. >>共 677
report 10.66%
company 5.60%
attention 5.19%
coverage 4.39%
outlet 3.32%
magnate 1.66%
group 1.59%
organization 1.55%
campaign 1.45%
mogul 1.41%
ownership 0.41%
每页显示:    共 57