1.   Medical technology changes almost by the minute.

2.   The advance of medical technology has meant that more patients survive.

3.   The fact is no government can meet the insatiable demand for ever more sophisticated medical technology by an ageing population.

4.   This is the leading edge of medical technology.

5.   Medical technology has advanced considerably.

6.   The recent refinements in this area of medical technology.

7.   Recent advances in medical technology have saved countless lives.

8.   We agree that medical technology complicates end of life decisions, but do not see how old age and cancer should indicate an increased use of MDEL or LAWER.

9.   If demography acts as a constraining context on health care provision, future developments in medical technology open up a bewildering scenario of choice.

10.   A vet has borrowed medical technology normally seen in maternity hospitals and is using it on farms to bring more certainty to lambing.

a. + technology >>共 740
new 23.68%
digital 3.69%
nuclear 3.40%
modern 2.48%
advanced 2.32%
latest 1.75%
medical 1.55%
military 1.49%
wireless 1.35%
same 1.20%
medical + n. >>共 511
care 6.21%
treatment 5.57%
school 3.21%
supply 2.99%
expert 1.92%
center 1.90%
record 1.79%
team 1.76%
attention 1.68%
equipment 1.67%
technology 0.61%
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