1.   American meat packers eliminated some hand-numbing jobs at beef and pork plants with machines that literally squeeze meat off the bones.

2.   Bold moves by Monsanto, DuPont, Cargill and several meat packers, including IBP, have also raised concern among farmers in recent years.

3.   But grading for quality, which dictates price, is a voluntary program paid for by the individual meat packer.

4.   Cattlemen lost money on every head they sold to the meat packer.

5.   Hog prices soared to six-week highs as meat packers, facing a slowdown in slaughter, stocked up on supplies for the December holidays.

6.   Hundreds of thousands of American workers, from meat packers to computer programmers, are afflicted with repetitive strain injuries each year.

7.   Hundreds of thousands of American workers are afflicted each year, ranging from meat packers to computer programmers.

8.   In Nebraska, there is a shortage of meat packers.

9.   It is common among meat packers and people who use computers a great deal.

10.   Meat packers and other companies selling beef have absorbed about half the damages, while beef barbecue restaurants have suffered another quarter of the losses.

n. + packer >>共 15
meat 63.27%
beef 6.12%
horse 6.12%
banana 2.04%
cap 2.04%
clothes 2.04%
computer 2.04%
fish 2.04%
gadgetry 2.04%
in-state 2.04%
meat + n. >>共 339
product 7.28%
industry 4.43%
market 3.81%
pie 3.19%
thermometer 3.03%
mixture 2.80%
dish 2.75%
counter 2.18%
processor 2.18%
company 2.02%
packer 1.74%
每页显示:    共 31