1.   Applications are then made either side of this mean value, depending on crop greenness.

2.   The data were then grouped according to the mean value.

3.   This pattern has been constructed by finding the mean value of coin loss at eighty-eight sites.

4.   The highest point on the curve represents the arithmetical average or mean value of x, and the symbol for this is x.

5.   Mean values of all these variables were significantly lower after fundectomy than after PBD.

6.   Although arousal states C to E were noted their data were not analysed for this study.

7.   Tables II and III show the mean values for basal UOS pressure according to arousal state, symptom classification, and presence or absence of neurological deficit.

8.   The mean value of Zollinger-Ellison patients differed significantly from those of all other patient groups.

9.   Results are expressed as mean value.

10.   The mean values were considerably increased above the corresponding reference intervals during the first three days in the intensive care unit.

a. + value >>共 1164
family 6.28%
good 3.00%
traditional 2.91%
moral 2.28%
high 1.93%
real 1.84%
american 1.53%
great 1.50%
total 1.44%
stock 1.23%
mean 0.13%
mean + n. >>共 397
street 9.48%
streak 6.75%
feat 5.45%
thing 2.51%
flow 2.07%
achievement 1.42%
game 1.42%
value 1.31%
age 1.20%
velocity 1.09%
每页显示:    共 12