1.   A weaker pound means exports are less expensive abroad and companies get more pounds when converting deutsche mark and dollar sales.

2.   Devaluations of many Southeast Asia currencies and lower consumer spending in that region means exports from that region may flood other markets.

3.   Devaluations of many Southeast Asia currencies means exports from that region may flood other markets.

4.   Higher rates should cause the pound to strengthen, and a stronger pound means exports become more expensive overseas.

5.   That means U.S. exports are more expensive, and therefore less attractive to foreign buyers.

n. + export >>共 290
oil 27.13%
beef 3.86%
arm 3.11%
auto 2.49%
wheat 2.41%
missile 2.03%
textile 1.87%
non-oil 1.82%
corn 1.78%
banana 1.78%
mean 0.21%
mean + n. >>共 272
necessary 5.65%
exporter 4.00%
company 3.29%
investor 2.59%
consumer 1.65%
thing 1.65%
cost 1.41%
profit 1.41%
business 1.18%
export 1.18%
每页显示:    共 5