1.   I was ogling the dessert menu before my meal even arrived.

2.   They make or break the entire supply chain process if the meal arrives as a disappointment to the consumer or, worse still, as a health hazard.

3.   And at the Saturday workshop, the real test of dedication begins when the meal arrives.

4.   By the time their meals arrived, Earletha and Earvin were talking and laughing like long lost friends.

5.   Customers choose when they want to eat, for instance, so the meal no longer arrives just as they begin to doze.

6.   Homemade crackers, pots of spreadable cheeses and a plate of pickles, celery and olives arrive at the table to tide you over until the meal arrives.

7.   My meal arrives.

8.   Snoopy could always be counted on to nap, fantasize, and wonder when his next meal would arrive.

9.   The meals would arrive on my doorstep, ready to be stored in the refrigerator or freezer until minutes before eating.

10.   We sat down at a small table, and moments later our meals arrived under tin covers.

n. + arrive >>共 998
police 5.84%
team 3.13%
delegation 1.77%
troop 1.63%
officer 1.48%
air 1.20%
official 1.16%
plane 1.15%
soldier 1.05%
leader 1.05%
meal 0.09%
meal + v. >>共 142
be 44.56%
include 4.03%
come 3.76%
consist 3.36%
begin 2.68%
have 2.15%
arrive 1.61%
rise 1.34%
start 1.21%
go 1.07%
每页显示:    共 12