1.   After all, why would employers balk if workers preferred flexible work hours and generous maternity leaves to higher wages?

2.   But Kenny asks that people bringing their babies to work take shorter maternity leaves, and he says it is worth the tradeoff.

3.   In lands where six-week paid vacations and yearlong paid maternity leaves are common, nobody seems too eager to give back any of his or her freebies.

4.   Most had worked all their adult lives, in some cases taking time off only for brief maternity leaves.

5.   New mothers might take shorter maternity leaves if they could work near their babies.

6.   Resel, who plays first cello, argued that female players might become pregnant, resulting in the need for maternity leaves.

7.   She took only brief maternity leaves when she had her two children.

8.   Some states guarantee more generous maternity leaves than FMLA does.

9.   The suit claimed that Merrill excluded women from opportunities for advancement and penalized them for taking maternity leaves.

10.   The suit contended that Merrill had discriminated against women in wages, promotions, account distributions, maternity leaves and other areas.

a. + leaf >>共 714
green 7.63%
new 4.58%
fallen 2.36%
autumn 2.31%
dead 2.14%
outer 1.93%
oak 1.80%
grape 1.46%
sage 1.29%
dry 1.20%
maternity 0.60%
maternity + n. >>共 81
leave 43.31%
hospital 9.75%
benefit 3.85%
clothes 3.63%
leaf 3.17%
home 2.72%
clinic 2.49%
dress 2.04%
wear 2.04%
care 1.81%
每页显示:    共 14