1.   Some highlighted the brutality of the Iraqis, focusing on allegations of mass rape of expatriate women.

2.   And this week he said that the military had found no evidence of mass rapes in Jakarta.

3.   As a group of soldiers carried out a brutal mass rape and murder, one young victim neither wept nor screamed.

4.   Bacon said the report was given added credence because it fit the pattern of mass rapes by Yugoslav soldiers during the Bosnian conflict.

5.   During the House debate, opponents of the embargo spoke emotionally of Serb atrocities, of a new holocaust, genocide, and mass rape.

6.   During the trial, several witnesses painted a brutal picture of Akayesu orchestrating horror, ordering murders, condoning mass rapes and overseeing the killing of children.

7.   Grandmothers being forced to watch their grandchildren carved up like animals, mass rape of young girls before the very eyes of their loved ones?

8.   Indian officials deny allegations of mass rape.

9.   It was the first international tribunal to convict soldiers for wartime mass rape and sexual enslavement.

10.   Significantly, the judges ruled that mass rape is a crime against humanity, the second most serious category of international crimes after genocide.

a. + rape >>共 158
attempted 16.72%
alleged 15.40%
mass 6.30%
systematic 4.25%
reported 4.25%
marital 3.52%
widespread 1.91%
brutal 1.76%
forcible 1.61%
first-degree 1.47%
mass + n. >>共 366
destruction 19.28%
grave 12.15%
transit 3.70%
killing 3.29%
murder 2.91%
exodus 2.27%
protest 2.20%
market 2.06%
suicide 1.79%
rally 1.79%
rape 0.42%
每页显示:    共 43