1.   Their annual tryst is their only departure from their marriage vows.

2.   After they have completed their prison terms for breaking their marriage vows, that is.

3.   --Break your marriage vows with impunity.

4.   Clinton is suspected of breaking his marriage vow and illegally covering it up, a violation of private trust.

5.   Crime sometimes pays and marriage vows are frequently flouted.

6.   Dunlap would not say how long the company would honor its marriage vows to the City of Brotherly Love.

7.   I kept my marriage vows.

8.   It is there that Rick accompanies his parents, who appear to despise each other, to renew their marriage vows.

9.   Is my marriage vow binding?

10.   It was not much different than an arranged marriage for the wealthy landowner, except that there were no marriage vows.

n. + vow >>共 43
marriage 46.15%
celibacy 7.69%
government 6.84%
day 1.71%
campaign 1.71%
cease-fire 1.71%
ordination 1.71%
year 1.71%
tax 1.71%
clergy 0.85%
marriage + n. >>共 259
penalty 14.03%
license 8.76%
ceremony 5.12%
proposal 4.88%
vow 4.19%
counselor 3.88%
certificate 3.64%
counseling 2.64%
bill 2.56%
partner 2.17%
每页显示:    共 54