1.   Market entry is thus possible from any location in Germany.

2.   Berg noted that new market entries traditionally have problems.

3.   Complex regulations generally favor established corporations over newcomers, creating barriers to market entry and opportunities to make extra profits by charging uncompetitive prices.

4.   Kiwi International Airlines, which flies between Newark and Florida, reportedly is considering a low-fare Boston market entry, but company officials couostly right out front.

5.   Our research should not be interpreted to mean that companies ought to dismiss the importance of a speedy market entry.

6.   Southwestern Bell, for instance, has employed a sagging-zone defense against potential competition by filing a plethora of lawsuits designed to delay market entry.

7.   The good news is that less friction diminishes the barriers to competition, which eases market entry for entrepreneurs seeking their fortunes.

8.   This is especially true during market entry, when corporations are least certain about their prospects in new countries.

9.   We used various methodological controls to isolate the impact of order of market entry, filtering out other variables such as level of resources.

10.   Foreign buyers have long been waiting for the Thai economy to bottom out to ensure easy market entry.

n. + entry >>共 247
diary 9.85%
wild-card 9.23%
journal 6.77%
datum 4.92%
market 2.46%
surprise 2.46%
wildcard 2.00%
dictionary 1.69%
year 1.54%
encyclopedia 1.38%
market + n. >>共 783
share 12.82%
economy 4.18%
condition 3.27%
reform 2.97%
sentiment 2.63%
participant 2.58%
force 2.36%
index 2.07%
leader 1.89%
analyst 1.75%
entry 0.08%
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