1.   Analysts expressed doubts during recent weeks that the market could absorb the full stake.

2.   Artistic merits aside, the market could not absorb them all, as the more prescient in the industry realized from the start.

3.   But the number of works up for sale next week is so large that many question whether the market can absorb them.

4.   Concern that developers would build space faster than the market can absorb has contributed to property stocks underperforming the overall market.

5.   Corporate bond prices fell as the market absorbed the new debt and as investors sold some of their holdings before the end of the quarter.

6.   Editors, book sellers and critics agree that the market cannot absorb the flood of new books, that many are doomed to sink even before they appear.

7.   Even though investors have been more cautious about buying junk bonds lately, some say they are optimistic that the market can absorb the influx of supply.

8.   Gains were pared as the market absorbed the information and as gold prices fell, analysts said.

9.   If the economy stays strong, labor markets can absorb three or four million more workers without shoving aside existing workers.

10.   In fact, before the sale, experts were wondering how much the market could absorb.

n. + absorb >>共 421
market 3.67%
company 3.06%
plant 2.57%
body 2.57%
child 1.71%
tree 1.71%
skin 1.59%
investor 1.47%
economy 1.34%
rice 1.22%
market + v. >>共 665
be 22.96%
remain 3.36%
close 3.26%
have 2.28%
continue 2.17%
fall 1.81%
open 1.72%
take 1.47%
react 1.39%
rise 1.36%
absorb 0.16%
每页显示:    共 30