1.   Although the winds over the Caribbean waters are not expected to as strong, mariners should still exercise caution while navigating over those waters tonight.

2.   However mariners should still exercise caution while navigating over the open waters of the Atlantic.

3.   However mariners should exercise caution across these waters.

4.   However, mariners should still exercise caution while navigating over the open Atlantic waters today.

5.   Mariners should exercise caution ...

6.   Mariners should exercise caution on the coastal waters.

7.   Mariners should exercise caution.

8.   Mariners should exercise caution when navigating these waters.

9.   Mariners should exercise extreme caution if venturing out over open waters.

10.   Meanwhile, mariners should exercise caution.

n. + exercise >>共 301
craft 11.87%
people 3.54%
government 3.03%
operator 3.03%
mariner 2.65%
employee 2.40%
military 2.02%
executive 2.02%
court 1.77%
patient 1.52%
mariner + v. >>共 46
exercise 18.75%
be 10.71%
use 7.14%
continue 6.25%
monitor 5.36%
believe 3.57%
keep 3.57%
expect 2.68%
remain 2.68%
shall 2.68%
每页显示:    共 21