1.   The tests are designed to ensure that the waste does not cause significant damage to Marine wildlife or human health.

2.   Local environmentalists are concerned, however, that the new barrier scheme may be harmful to some marine wildlife, and that it would also be aesthetically unattractive.

3.   Besides being chemical-free, natural products are ecologically friendly, containing no petrochemicals which pollute our waterways and harm marine wildlife.

4.   But shellfish farmers and environmentalists have long suspected that the chemicals could be harming other marine wildlife.

5.   He cautions that the impact on marine wildlife may not be as large as many critics suggest.

6.   Heavy metals such as mercury and lead, and organochlorine compounds such as PCBs and DDT, have been associated with a wide range of damage to marine wildlife.

7.   It also holds tidepools that host a rich variety of anemones, crabs, starfish, chitons and other marine wildlife.

8.   The Coastal Commission, based on recommendations from the state Department of Fish and Game, has said there will be no adverse impacts to marine wildlife.

9.   White abalone, once found by the millions on the ocean floor off the California coast, were declared an endangered species Tuesday by federal marine wildlife officials.

a. + wildlife >>共 245
state 8.17%
federal 5.39%
endangered 4.74%
national 4.41%
local 3.76%
marine 2.94%
arctic 2.78%
rare 2.12%
native 2.12%
protected 1.80%
marine + n. >>共 529
life 9.94%
mammal 4.52%
biologist 4.32%
condition 3.45%
police 2.31%
park 2.07%
animal 1.91%
resource 1.84%
environment 1.74%
officer 1.74%
wildlife 0.60%
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