1.   Objectors also produced a map showing where objectors lived.

2.   A map showing where various crops are grown and where the federal subsidies go.

3.   After crunching those numbers for hours, the computers spit out a colorful map showing where the ever-strengthening Floyd is headed.

4.   It seems odd to tell folks which zone a plant can be grown in but not provide a map showing where the zones are.

5.   Some phones and PDAs may display a map showing where you are, others will have an operator or voice system that can relay your exact position.

6.   This enables you to search for the name of a person and to receive their phone number, e-mail address and a map showing where they live.

n. + showing >>共 200
report 7.34%
preview 3.54%
year 3.04%
second-place 2.78%
third-place 2.78%
poll 2.53%
season 1.77%
week 1.77%
midnight 1.52%
election 1.52%
map 1.52%
map + n. >>共 135
maker 6.44%
projection 4.55%
pocket 3.79%
reading 3.79%
room 3.41%
datum 2.65%
reference 2.65%
showing 2.27%
coordinate 2.27%
display 2.27%
每页显示:    共 6