1.   Not as many as women die of course but men even die of breast cancer.

2.   Certainly many died.

3.   The ultimate outcome is that too many of them die by proxy.

4.   Too many had died on this same acre.

5.   Too many have died.

6.   How many have died, no one knows.

7.   No one can say how many have died, but no one believes the official toll.

8.   Residents said people had been killed resisting the Zairian army looters, but it was impossible to determine how many had died.

9.   She did not say how many have died so far from a lack of medicine.

10.   An official from the Israeli-PLO liaison committee told AFP he was not able to say how many had died.

n. + die >>共 778
people 17.32%
man 4.95%
child 2.95%
soldier 2.89%
father 2.65%
mother 2.57%
woman 2.54%
person 2.45%
victim 2.07%
patient 1.87%
many 0.06%
many + v. >>共 186
be 29.05%
have 7.88%
people 2.28%
think 2.28%
die 2.28%
see 1.45%
say 1.45%
believe 1.24%
get 1.04%
turn 1.04%
每页显示:    共 11