1.   And the initial reaction from management ranks was dismay.

2.   At the same time, women have climbed the management ranks and are now making decisions about workplace policies.

3.   A Toyota spokesman said the move was intended to rejuvenate the management ranks.

4.   But that relatively small wage gap is not reflected in their rate of poverty, educational attainment or in their ability to break into management ranks.

5.   He later went to work as an air traffic controller, rising into management ranks.

6.   He has never served in the management ranks of a movie studio, nor has he managed a public company.

7.   He shook up management ranks in sales and terminal operations and spelled out new performance goals.

8.   HP became the best-selling brand of computer printers in the world, and Belluzzo began to rise swiftly within management ranks.

9.   In business, the effect of the glass ceiling causes many women in senior management ranks to leave and strike out on their own.

10.   In the past month, BCE attracted attention for the overhaul of its management ranks.

n. + rank >>共 219
college 8.24%
rebel 8.24%
management 7.39%
police 5.04%
opposition 3.87%
army 3.19%
government 2.35%
second 2.18%
class 2.02%
officer 2.02%
management + n. >>共 818
team 9.03%
company 5.76%
firm 3.59%
change 3.00%
system 2.87%
style 2.83%
consultant 2.22%
business 2.06%
fee 1.97%
plan 1.76%
rank 0.49%
每页显示:    共 44