1.   But many of these self-professed romance-guru authors give conflicting insights into the male psyche.

2.   If the Internet can be used as a gauge of the collective male psyche, plenty of men want abs of steel, more hair and a larger penis.

3.   She understands the male psyche, as much as any woman does.

4.   Sophisticated advertising that more effectively plumbs the depth of the male psyche has played a role in enticing young men to a daily spritz.

a. + psyche >>共 119
national 16.94%
american 14.52%
human 8.06%
collective 5.91%
fragile 5.38%
public 2.15%
delicate 1.61%
japanese 1.34%
israeli 1.08%
male 1.08%
male + n. >>共 1486
counterpart 2.49%
student 2.29%
friend 2.04%
relative 1.93%
colleague 1.80%
hormone 1.52%
athlete 1.29%
member 1.15%
model 1.00%
passenger 0.91%
psyche 0.06%
每页显示:    共 4