1.   They made a stew.

2.   Before bedtime they get a warm stew made with meat and dry dog food.

3.   Even better, stews can be made with some less-than-choice cuts of meat.

4.   I make this stew with leftover roasted lamb, but it can also be made with fresh lamb.

5.   In general, vegetable stews are made like the meat versions.

6.   She found stews made with wild capers, meant to be scooped onto bread.

7.   The smells that fill your house when you make this stew are positively intoxicating.

8.   With no fewer than six major ingredients spending time on the disabled list, Duquette simply found a new way to make the stew.

9.   The couple started making more stew, first giving it away, then selling it in mason jars from the trunk of their car.

10.   Those camped out cooked over a gas stove Tuesday night -- making stew with lentils, potatoes and cabbage.

v. + stew >>共 59
make 9.62%
serve 6.73%
eat 5.77%
thicken 5.77%
cook 4.81%
ladle 3.85%
prepare 2.88%
do 2.88%
spice 2.88%
beef 1.92%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
stew 0%
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