1.   He has made queries to newsgroups, keeping an attentive eye out for others who might be tracing the same family.

2.   -- The ability to make queries anytime and in almost complete privacy.

3.   A network manager can make many queries by simply dragging and dropping maps and diagrams on the screen, and Netmaker will run the appropriate applications, as needed.

4.   Make general queries about pay, benefits, job responsibilities and opportunities for advancement.

5.   The previous Pentagon policy allowed commanders to make such queries without any direct evidence.

6.   Other teams, including Milwaukee and possibly Detroit, have made informal queries.

7.   Aznar said that Barak had asked him to make several queries to both Assad and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat regarding the resumption of the peace process.

v. + query >>共 89
answer 20.00%
refer 12.28%
have 8.42%
field 3.86%
handle 3.51%
post 3.16%
receive 3.16%
send 2.81%
direct 2.46%
make 2.46%
make + n. >>共 695
decision 5.09%
sense 2.96%
progress 2.62%
money 2.37%
mistake 2.08%
change 2.05%
way 1.91%
comment 1.73%
difference 1.71%
statement 1.61%
query 0%
每页显示:    共 7