1.   But if making a movie that tickles and touches people in equal measure gets the job done, then their time may have arrived.

2.   But making a picture gets tense.

3.   Making a picture gets tense.

4.   Smear this on and into lamb, making sure to get it in every nook and cranny possible.

5.   The trouble is that making projections gets iffier and iffier as the investment time frame shortens.

6.   To make sure no one gets distracted, food is forbidden.

v. + get >>共 310
be 5.74%
have 1.78%
go 1.39%
assume 1.39%
bank 1.39%
mourn 1.39%
make 1.19%
look 1.19%
voting 0.99%
lose 0.99%
make + v. >>共 268
be 41.88%
seem 1.51%
require 1.16%
become 1.16%
take 1.16%
look 1.04%
pay 1.04%
up 1.04%
do 0.93%
have 0.93%
get 0.70%
每页显示:    共 6