1.   Numerous companies have made information available through employee assistance or medical departments.

2.   And some information on trials is already made available through that committee.

3.   Any file that any user wants to offer to others can be made available through the system.

4.   And, as the letters come in, the sites continue to stockpile the answers and make them available through searchable indexes.

5.   Buses can be rented to groups, and organizers are developing ways to make passes available through hotel concierges and vacation packages.

6.   Concerned citizens living abroad have suggested that the Census Bureau might make forms available through embassies or employers.

7.   Experts in adolescent health said the study is the largest assessment yet published of a program that makes condoms available through the schools.

8.   HeavenlyDoor.com plans to make available through its Web site a full range of funeral equipment, like embalming fluids, body hoists and hearses.

9.   Kurth went to Washington, met with President Roosevelt and soon afterward the required materials needed for the paper mill were made available through the proper government channels.

10.   Last week, Blockbuster announced an agreement with Universal Pictures to make movies available through streaming video via the Blockbuster Entertainment On-Demand service.

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