1.   The groups carrying on the violence are transgressing the majority will of the peoples they purport to represent.

2.   Each time, however, the majority will was thwarted by leadership maneuvers.

3.   For Clinton simply to exit after a partisan House impeachment vote defiant of majority opinion will smell like a coup.

4.   He believed in decorum, revered the democratic process, respected the majority will.

n. + will >>共 311
iron 4.75%
company 2.14%
team 1.43%
economy 1.19%
money 1.19%
market 0.95%
government 0.95%
bank 0.95%
majority 0.95%
enlargement 0.71%
majority + n. >>共 249
vote 12.96%
stake 12.90%
opinion 5.08%
owner 4.60%
party 4.55%
support 4.37%
shareholder 3.98%
whip 3.63%
population 3.31%
rule 3.04%
will 0.12%
每页显示:    共 4