1.   A major company signed him up, and he had a series of top ten hits while building a serious reputation.

2.   A major engineering company has announced big job cuts.

3.   After the success of its recent single, the band is now assured of a contract with a major record company.

4.   An entrepreneur we interviewed was given the opportunity to launch a new product for a major international company.

5.   As yet unsigned, Lisa B has several major record companies with a pen at the ready.

6.   He had an excellent background in the business, having worked in exactly the same kind of area for a major company.

7.   International Division On the international level, major record companies operate a Marketing and promotion division.

8.   Loretta Barrett, our literary agent, was a successful editor at a major publishing company.

9.   Major companies must operate on a global scale.

10.   Major record companies invest vast sums of money in new artists every year.

a. + company >>共 660
insurance 5.96%
the 4.70%
new 3.88%
foreign 3.26%
private 3.26%
japanese 2.69%
american 2.14%
small 1.80%
big 1.78%
pharmaceutical 1.69%
major 1.36%
major + n. >>共 1020
currency 3.00%
city 2.43%
problem 1.81%
change 1.52%
issue 1.36%
company 1.34%
role 1.22%
championship 1.15%
player 0.98%
bank 0.94%
每页显示:    共 960