1.   A Chinese government spokesman later explained that Taiwan would maintain its own armed forces and get guaranteed positions in the mainland government.

2.   The criminal justice system is accused of ducking when asked to prosecute an agency of the mainland government and a individual with strong mainland ties.

3.   The mainland government has become increasingly alarmed over the rising popularity of the pro-independence Democratic Progressive Party in Taiwan.

4.   Analysts said the mainland government is pressing ahead with a campaign to stamp out irregularities in state-owned enterprises.

5.   Analysts see the move as a further effort by the mainland government to boost efficiency under the new cabinet to be headed by economic czar Zhu Rongji.

6.   Appeals by the families of Taiwanese jailed in China prompted Taiwan to lash out at the mainland government on Friday.

7.   As Mr Lim is well-connected with the mainland government, Taiwan is now trying to discover whether or not mainland police will take action to arrest Mr Ho.

8.   But recognizing the mainland Chinese government instead of Taiwan, which China considers a renegade province, is just facing reality, she said.

9.   But the mainland government, which considers Taiwan a breakaway province, is recognized worldwide.

10.   But the question is whether Taiwan can win some respect from Southeast Asia without irritating the mainland Chinese government.

n. + government >>共 501
coalition 34.22%
city 11.06%
caretaker 7.76%
unity 4.73%
apartheid 2.35%
self-rule 1.86%
member 1.67%
post-taliban 1.63%
minority 1.51%
right-wing 1.38%
mainland 0.43%
mainland + n. >>共 344
authority 5.56%
official 5.38%
market 3.71%
company 3.61%
city 3.24%
government 2.50%
counterpart 2.41%
migrant 2.41%
woman 1.67%
resident 1.58%
每页显示:    共 27