1.   A full discussion of democracy takes us far away from the main focus of this work.

2.   The main focus of attention is the library.

3.   The main focus of our attention will be on providing an efficient service.

4.   The main focus of the project was a qualitative study of what helped adults cope on these courses.

5.   The main focus will be on ex-directory numbers, which mean that published directories are incomplete as listings of telephone-owning households.

6.   The main focus, contrary to scientific management theory, was on individual needs and not on the needs of the organization.

7.   The use of public funds to clean up the jusen mess will be the main focus of the session.

8.   This is the main focus of attention in this chapter.

9.   Thus the contradiction of stable industrial relations, low productivity and poor management constitutes the main focus of the study.

a. + focus >>共 502
main 11.71%
new 5.73%
primary 4.89%
major 3.89%
sharp 2.45%
central 2.09%
narrow 2.04%
sharper 1.84%
intense 1.80%
greater 1.52%
main + n. >>共 880
road 4.14%
opposition 4.14%
reason 3.35%
street 2.08%
party 1.63%
problem 1.45%
source 1.33%
concern 1.31%
issue 1.13%
highway 1.13%
focus 0.86%
每页显示:    共 290