1.   As the CDC tries to deflect blame for a slow response in Washington, New Jersey says they suspect a Trenton-area mail sorter has inhalation anthrax.

2.   Beverly Gill, another mail sorter, praised the post office.

3.   Boucher said two of the samples were obtained from two separate mail sorters and the six others from a third sorter.

4.   Just as they headed in waves into showers, the mail sorters were told the powder that had thrown their operation into chaos was cornstarch.

5.   Mike Green, a burly mail sorter, said management had been so tone-deaf about the anthrax threat that until recently, it did not want to provide gloves.

6.   She said many mail sorters in her office had begun wearing masks and latex gloves.

7.   The candy had been pulverized going through the mail sorters in Europe.

8.   They function like a mail sorter.

9.   He said two of the samples were obtained from two separate mail sorters and the six others from a third sorter.

10.   Mail sorter Linda Worrall suffers from severe arachnophobia -- the fear of spiders.

n. + sorter >>共 12
mail 44.83%
sock 20.69%
cell 3.45%
coin 3.45%
diamond 3.45%
freight 3.45%
fruit 3.45%
letter 3.45%
machine 3.45%
package 3.45%
mail + n. >>共 289
fraud 12.27%
message 9.35%
delivery 8.11%
service 6.81%
room 4.32%
system 4.27%
facility 3.14%
box 2.92%
center 2.38%
bomb 2.05%
sorter 0.70%
每页显示:    共 13