1.   But those machines cannot detect the presence of explosives, and no further check was made on those shoes.

2.   Dozens of criminals, convinced that the machine would detect their lies, have confessed to crimes of every description, the manufacturer says.

3.   Late Monday two federal officials said special machines had detected such chemical traces.

4.   Systems used in Japan, Canada and other countries can tell the difference because each denomination has a different coating, which the machine detects.

5.   The alarms go off when the machines detect anything of the same density as explosives, and peanut butter and chocolate are a match.

6.   The machine detects these small changes in frequency to reproduce the sound.

7.   The machines detect differences in density and can identify certain densities that match explosive devices.

8.   The machine detected increases in blood flow, indicating where in the brain this thinking took place.

9.   The number of ballots in Broward, Palm Beach and Miami-Dade counties in which the punch card machines detected no choice for president has stirred controversy.

10.   The vote-counting machines detected two votes for one office and naturally discarded the ballots.

n. + detect >>共 332
radar 10.37%
test 6.54%
sensor 3.31%
doctor 3.23%
system 2.88%
scientist 2.27%
device 2.01%
machine 1.92%
official 1.74%
satellite 1.39%
machine + v. >>共 653
be 22.63%
have 5.04%
use 2.22%
do 2.08%
run 1.97%
work 1.94%
make 1.69%
become 1.41%
come 1.13%
take 0.92%
detect 0.78%
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