1.   On contact with the chemoattractant they form oxygen free radical species and there is release of lysosomal enzymes after phagocytosis.

2.   Concomitant phagocytosis internalises the chemoattractant for further degradation with subsequent lysosomal enzyme release.

3.   All lysosomal enzyme assays were linear with respect to time and protein concentration.

4.   The Table also indicates the proportion of lysosomal enzymes released into the supernatant after sedimentation of uncubated pancreatic lysosomes.

5.   With all lysosomal enzymes studied, there was a progressive decrease in latency with increasing concentrations of cholesteryl oleate when compared with phosophatidylcholine controls.

6.   During phagocytosis the neutrophils may cause tissue damage by oxygen free radical generation and lysosomal enzyme release and hence produce bleeding and protein loss.

7.   ANCA is now recognised as a family of autoantibodies directed against cytoplasmic antigens, mainly lysosomal enzymes, in polymorphonuclear neutrophil leukocytes.

8.   N-formylated peptides bind to specific receptors on polymorphonuclear leukocytes thereby activating the cells to release such substances as lysosomal enzymes, oxidative metabolites and eicosanoids.

a. + enzyme >>共 140
liver 11.78%
digestive 5.53%
pancreatic 4.33%
different 3.85%
key 2.64%
specific 2.40%
lysosomal 2.40%
metabolising 2.40%
cardiac 1.92%
industrial 1.92%
lysosomal + n. >>共 12
enzyme 25.64%
fragility 20.51%
stability 17.95%
storage 7.69%
latency 5.13%
marker 5.13%
membrane 5.13%
damage 2.56%
degradation 2.56%
function 2.56%
每页显示:    共 10