1.   On our estate were granges, barns, a mill, carp ponds, lush fields and fertile meadows.

2.   As he walked his lush green fields near here, brushing against the cotton plants weighed down with unopened bolls, McLendon compared the subsidies to his irrigation system.

3.   Beyond these colorful buildings, lush open fields slope down to fog-embraced marshlands and the Essex River.

4.   Gaze a mile over a hazy ribbon of road, lush green fields and a split-rail fence.

5.   Given warm, wet conditions it can turn potatoes into mush and transform a lush green field of plants into a rotting mass in a few days.

6.   His motorcade into Guilin swept past lush green fields of rice being cultivated by bent Chinese peasants in pointed straw hats.

7.   In the past, most homes in the lush fields of West Cork or the moonlike landscape of Connemara belonged to rich foreigners.

8.   We journeyed through lush green fields bordered by forests of mangrove and evergreen trees, depositing passengers in ramshackle roadside villages.

9.   Animal skins are spread throughout the office, whose windows look out over lush green fields and sprawling shade trees near his Twin Pines ranch.

10.   As darkness drapes the lush green fields of southern India, bandits lumber toward their preying grounds, mountain-like shadows among the trees.

a. + field >>共 1575
open 4.78%
new 3.22%
home 2.41%
crowded 2.35%
nearby 1.64%
killing 1.59%
same 1.32%
republican 1.28%
green 1.24%
muddy 1.22%
lush 0.26%
lush + n. >>共 318
garden 6.40%
vegetation 4.59%
forest 3.31%
grass 3.20%
lawn 2.88%
jungle 2.35%
valley 2.24%
field 2.03%
landscape 1.92%
countryside 1.81%
每页显示:    共 19