1.   Again, there was no assault made on mourning stationery or the extremely lucrative trade in mourning jewellery.

2.   The result is a big demand for donated kidneys - which agents have been quick to turn into lucrative trade.

3.   The extremely lucrative trade in endangered species is proving irresistible to countries in grave currency crisis.

4.   Along with the fish comes the fearsome Caviar mafia, the loose term for the poachers and smugglers who have hijacked the lucrative trade from the Russian government.

5.   And increasingly they are focusing on the lucrative matrimonial trade in addition to work on civil suits and inheritance cases.

6.   A lucrative trade in drugs, military hardware and illegal immigrants has already made Albania one big transit depot for all kinds of contraband.

7.   Border counties are seen as ripe for corruption because of the lucrative trade of illegal narcotics and immigrants.

8.   But for the brokers, these are especially lucrative trades.

9.   But the question remains whether the government can fulfill its promises to grant leaders autonomy, supplies, and access to lucrative trade across the Thai border.

a. + trade >>共 867
international 7.30%
foreign 3.68%
bilateral 3.66%
global 3.63%
new 2.23%
normal 1.54%
japanese 1.37%
illegal 1.32%
regional 1.30%
major 1.28%
lucrative 0.54%
lucrative + n. >>共 675
market 9.27%
contract 9.17%
business 7.77%
deal 3.58%
trade 2.39%
offer 2.29%
job 2.23%
government 1.59%
oil 1.44%
career 1.35%
每页显示:    共 77