1.   And the real Bush would probably like to administer unbreakable GOP loyalty oaths to the moderate congressional Republicans who vote with the Democrats on key issues.

2.   Another was the running battle over state laws demanding loyalty oaths from teachers and barring communists from school jobs.

3.   Arizona State University requires student workers and employees to sign loyalty oaths, but they are worded differently and omit mention of political beliefs or party membership.

4.   A few years ago, the pope upped the ante and added a written loyalty oath to him and his every pronouncement.

5.   Dozens of German men who were against slavery and refused to sign loyalty oaths to the Confederacy were killed as they tried to escape to Mexico.

6.   Eventually, the First Amendment overturned loyalty oaths and threats to employment if one belonged to a disfavored group.

7.   Government employees, including teachers, have to sign loyalty oaths today.

8.   Gone are the references to loyalty oaths and mandates for majority-Catholic faculties.

9.   He also said McEachen had no authority because his oath of office did not include a loyalty oath.

10.   He also signed a loyalty oath, swearing that he supported the U.S. Constitution.

n. + oath >>共 16
loyalty 40.28%
blood 15.28%
secrecy 9.72%
citizenship 5.56%
morning 5.56%
coronation 4.17%
naturalization 4.17%
time 4.17%
confidentiality 1.39%
five-word 1.39%
loyalty + n. >>共 57
program 19.76%
oath 17.37%
card 7.78%
test 5.99%
pledge 2.99%
agreement 2.40%
bonus 2.40%
programme 2.40%
factor 1.80%
conflict 1.80%
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