1.   But the visit was more of a reward to a loyal ally than a rescue of a candidate in distress.

2.   Dispute has reappeared, causing a mild rift between America and its loyal ally Britain, over whether or not military action needs another Security Council resolution.

3.   He is a fiercely loyal ally of Pope John Paul II whose unwavering and vocal defense of church teachings has brought criticism from more liberal church voices.

4.   He has stripped rebellious council members of committee chairmanships, and he saves the most lucrative council stipends for his loyal allies.

5.   He was replaced by Deputy Prime Minister John Manley, a moderate former tax lawyer and loyal ally of Chretien.

6.   Left unspoken was the fact that Feeney and McKay are also fiercely partisan Republicans and loyal allies of the Bush family, particularly Gov. Jeb Bush.

7.   Relentlessly, Whitman tried to link Bradley to an unpopular tax increase enacted that year by his loyal ally, Gov. Jim Florio.

8.   She is at heart, they say, a fiercely loyal ally, a funny and engaging raconteur, a soft touch with those she likes and respects.

9.   That lack of loyal allies may be one reason why neither had a striking record of getting laws passed, though each had a few accomplishments.

10.   A loyal Kohl ally, Waigel has taken the heat for taxes to rebuild formerly communist eastern Germany and cuts in welfare state programs.

a. + ally >>共 624
close 8.86%
european 6.67%
former 6.31%
political 6.06%
traditional 4.88%
key 4.66%
western 3.67%
longtime 3.03%
american 1.90%
closest 1.47%
loyal 0.39%
loyal + n. >>共 395
force 12.03%
troop 10.29%
fan 4.58%
fighter 4.31%
soldier 4.24%
customer 4.07%
following 3.86%
friend 2.19%
supporter 2.15%
militiaman 1.64%
ally 0.96%
每页显示:    共 28