1.   Abscesses form classically under the lower jaw but can occur in other sites.

2.   Classically, infection appears in the lower jaw.

3.   His lower jaw, lips and nose had been infested with open sores and scabs, much of the flesh eaten away.

4.   However, some skins had long side-burns terminating at the lower jaw.

5.   Rothman believes the muscle helps to lift the lower jaw and move it from side to side.

6.   The dentist filled two teeth in my lower jaw.

7.   The horse softens food before swallowing by chewing the food between his molars with a sideways grinding action of the lower jaw.

8.   The lower jaw is easily unhinged and brought aboard.

9.   The other end attached to a bony spot on the mandible, or lower jaw.

a. + jaw >>共 155
broken 24.63%
lower 10.32%
fractured 6.32%
upper 4.66%
square 3.99%
strong 2.00%
huge 1.83%
powerful 1.66%
slack 1.50%
right 1.33%
lower + n. >>共 573
price 9.68%
rate 7.98%
house 7.62%
court 6.23%
cost 4.78%
level 2.87%
tax 2.39%
back 2.29%
profit 1.22%
earnings 1.11%
jaw 0.27%
每页显示:    共 62