1.   As always they offer their armchair companions a stimulating brew of travelogue and history lesson that is refreshingly low tech and low key.

2.   Collins is a software engineer, but his presentation was decidedly low tech, without overhead projectors, microphones or fancy printed material.

3.   In a high-tech world, low tech loses.

4.   It is simple in concept, low tech really, chronologically ordered, and notable for its terse narration and black-and-white images.

5.   Some of these questions are very low tech and could end up saving you a lot of grief and money.

6.   That is the only mechanical part of the whole operation, and it is very low tech.

7.   The design is low tech, the interview transcriptions could use a good proof reading.

8.   The graphics are more detailed than in previous games, but the game remains distinctly low tech and straightforward.

9.   To make things worse, I took another step toward low tech about a month ago.

10.   Oil exploration companies are now the biggest investors, and the country also hopes its low wage labor will attract low tech industries such as textile production.

a. + tech >>共 175
big 5.06%
riskier 4.46%
low 3.27%
battered 3.27%
new 3.27%
high-flying 2.68%
long-battered 2.68%
large 1.79%
hot 1.49%
big-name 1.49%
low + n. >>共 803
pressure 7.49%
price 5.69%
level 5.04%
inflation 4.51%
rate 3.56%
heat 2.94%
cloud 2.62%
point 1.85%
unemployment 1.82%
turnout 1.76%
tech 0.06%
每页显示:    共 11